Club update
Hi all - further to last weeks AGM we are happy to report that we will host a full 12 round championship in 2020. We will continue to offer free membership for any NEW auto member for 2020 and race fees/membership prices remain the same with no increase. Membership is now available in all groups (although limited in under 35’s and vets until after January 31st 2020 due to high demand). Please if you are rejoining we recommend doing this as soon as possible. ACU affiliation codes will be available once membership forms and payment are received. Many thanks to those that have joined/rejoined already 👌🏻
Our 2020 committee is as follows:
Chairman: Steve Bleachy Bliss Vice chairman: Dan Farley Secretary: Rachel Gidley Treasurer: Sam Ward Membership: Rachel Eastkentssc and sam Chief scrutineer: Tony Read Chief lapscorer: Debbie Rye Chief starter: Chrissy Rye General committee; Lee Healey, Dan Farley, Michael Wood, Mark Akers and Luke Shepherd Chief Marshall: Collette Duke Socials: Leticia Harris
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Tony G, Maria B, Russ T, Matt G and Matt S for all the support with the club and the offers of support as we move into 2020.
Here’s to next season ✊🏻✊🏻